Nikolay Vasiliev Sideways notes


How does one gets to know what's going on?

A word on how do we interact with each other

Imagine a day without any word heard from other people. Quite impossible and creepy, isn't it?

We talk to each other, we write emails, do texting by phone, send messages, write blog posts, read blog posts, and comment them.

Every bit of information coming through our brain produces some reaction. Most of the time it is rejection, but from time to time we respond.

There begins association between words heard and words replied. These words are chained together, they form a new one species — a conversation.

Ah, Twitter again

Yes, we do talk a lot at Twitter. It allows not only share your current thinking, but also comment on someone else's current thinking. Twitter is tremendous source of public conversations.

There question arises:

How can we summarize all the talking over social network and present the most valuable topics in user-friendly form?

Here at, we are trying to answer this question for Russian segment of Twitter network.

Why Twitter?

Twitter is rather popular, has nice API's, and is simple.

Why Russian segment?

Whilst there exist tons of Twitter trend monitors for English, for Russian they are few and poor. And Russian is both tricky and beatiful!

What's the model

The big picture of is:

The trend analysis is based on "moving average":


Information presented by appears to have following broad topics:

The most appealing is ability to observe the public opinion, i.e. what does the group of people think about critical news, persons and so on. The evaluation therefore is to find out how well is current main page correlated to top of news, available for example, at Yandex News. Can human pick one words group displayed at and find corresponding news article?

While evaluation is still in progress, and we don't have good numbers, graphs and tables to show, it's current results seem promising.

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